Willow Chi
Body Work*Body Care*Body Temple

Body & Soul Connection

This page is devoted to making your body, mind and soul feel good, and will be updated every couple of weeks with music, meditations and  general better ways of living. 

Breathe. and Enjoy

 Winter into Spring Lunar and Solar Traditions and noteworthy days

February 27th ~ New Moon (Pisces)

March 4th ~ Mardi Gras

March 6th ~ First Quarter Moon (Gemini) 

March 14th ~ Full Moon in Virgo (Storm Moon) Lunar Eclipse

March 18th ~ Celtic Tree Month of Alder begins

March 20th ~ Ostara/Spring Equinox

~For inspired astrology or card reading check out the magic at my favorite collaborator Sacred Heart Healing Center~ Follow her on Instagram @sacred.heart.alchemy


~Need some deliciousness for your gathering? For food and drink beyond compare look up: https://www.highdesertscampagnatas.com


~For a fine collection of stones and crystals, candles and other goodies, as well as knowledgeable staff check out Pagan Moon (they're in the same building as Willow Chi)