Please take care of yourself. You are very loved and very valuable. Please text and reschedule your appointment if you have experienced any symptoms of illness including: Cough, Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, Fever, Chills, Repeated shaking with chills, Muscle pain, Headache, Sore throat, New loss of taste or smell.
The Depths of Winter Have Warm Moments, a hope for 2025 letter
Hello Sweet Friends,
I think it's time to admit that our society and social contracts have led to some heavy protector personas and that we are holding a lot of tension in our bodies from this. Of course, massage can help with the physical aspects of holding tension for years, but what I find the most helpful is how allowing ourselves to experience safe touch can help us begin to heal the trauma that causes us to hold tension in the first place. Is massage the answer? No, of course not, but, it is part of the equation. Eating clean food, drinking clean water, therapy, physical exercise, deep breathing, and yes--massage--can allow for a happier body, mind and even a lighter feeling in your spirit.
When you start living in a happier body, you may find that you are ready to let go of the protector persona you have created for yourself. Letting go is letting in your truth and allowing yourself some vulnerability. Don't shy away; this is beautiful. You are worthy of everything you desire for your life, but the way to get it is to be honest about what it is you actually want. In order to be will have to be vulnerable...even if the only person you are being vulnerable with is you.
I hope that this winter you are finding warmth in your truth and goodness for yourself and everyone you encounter. Never forget that you are precious and valuable.
~I look forward to working with you soon~